Everest Learning Academy

At ELA, we foster character, wellbeing, and opportunity. Our Moldo-Finnish curriculum and learning design methodology were created to develop individuals who excel both in college and in life, contribute to their communities, and lead confidently in an ever-chaning international environment.

They will find a way or make one

Bringing high-quality Finnish early education to Moldova! The 1st Moldo-Finnish kindergarten in Moldova.

Children learn in both Romanian and English and are educated using both the Moldavian and Finnish curricula.

Research-based learning design model developed exclusively for ELA by Olimpia Mesa, international learning design consultant and author of the book How People Learn.

Children are prepared for international academic and life experiences.
Inspired by Finland’s approach to early childhood education (ECE), we take the best that Finland has to offer and combine it with local best practices in order to create an innovative curriculum. We continuously update our pedagogy based on the latest in educational research, which is provided by our partner, Olimpia Mesa, an international learning design consultant and author of the book How People Learn. Together, we educate children who will change the world.
For the past ten years, Finland’s education system has been praised as one of the best in the world. The most recent PISA scores showed that Finnish students aged 15 years old were one of the top five in literacy, top twenty in mathematics and top three in science. Although the tests focus on teenagers, studies have shown that early childhood education has a profound impact on an individual’s learning ability for years to come.
ELA provides high-quality education based on Finland's famous curriculum and cutting-edge neuroscience research.
În ultimii zece ani, sistemul de învățământ din Finlanda a fost apreciat ca fiind unul dintre cele mai bune din lume. Recentele scoruri PISA au arătat că elevii finlandezi cu vârsta de 15 ani se aflau pe primele cinci locuri la categoria alfabetizare, în primele douăzeci, la matematică și în primele trei, la științe.
În ultimii zece ani, sistemul de învățământ din Finlanda a fost apreciat ca fiind unul dintre cele mai bune din lume. Recentele scoruri PISA au arătat că elevii finlandezi cu vârsta de 15 ani se aflau pe primele cinci locuri la categoria alfabetizare, în primele douăzeci, la matematică și în primele trei, la științe.
While typical kindergartens tend to be packed with bright colours, visible toys and extra learning materials, our space aims to calm and focus children. Finnish education also means a Finnish design and way of life. Besides its world-renowned education, Finland is well-known for its excellent designers.

We strive to make our spaces feel like home by using soft, natural materials and as much natural lighting as possible. We’ve worked closely with our learning design expert, Olimpia Mesa, to incorporate pedagogical research into every aspect of the space, and brain-based principles are central to our process.
We look and act differently.
We know and use the Montessori method at ELA, but we have decided to go a step beyond it. The Finnish curriculum emphasises active collaboration, work outside the classroom and digital skills, and our educators intentionally create group learning experiences relevant for 21st-century life and work. Our educators function as facilitators rather than instructors and allow the children to lead the way.

They support children in building their peer relationships and give them autonomy, examples and gentle guidance in group activities. This helps children learn the importance of teamwork, and they develop essential social skills like empathy and collaboration.

We love Montessori,
but with Finish ECE we go beyond!

One major difference between Montessori and Finnish ECE (early childhood education) kindergartens is the way in which the children play and learn. One of the trademarks of Montessori is the ‘work cycle.’ This is a three-hour time period in which children choose their own activities and get absorbed in their work. The Montessori system also focuses on occupational education because childaren learn practical, everyday life
They support children in building their peer relationships and give them autonomy, examples and gentle guidance in group activities. This helps children learn the importance of teamwork, and they develop essential social skills like empathy and collaboration.
We know and use the Montessori method at ELA, but we have decided to go a step beyond it. The Finnish curriculum emphasises active collaboration, work outside the classroom and digital skills, and our educators intentionally create group learning experiences relevant for 21st-century life and work. Our educators function as facilitators rather than instructors and allow the children to lead the way.

One major difference between Montessori and Finnish ECE (early childhood education) kindergartens is the way in which the children play and learn. One of the trademarks of Montessori is the ‘work cycle.’ This is a three-hour time period in which children choose their own activities and get absorbed in their work. The Montessori system also focuses on occupational education because childaren learn practical, everyday lifeskills and learn how to concentrate on real-life tasks, such as cooking or cleaning.
A world where all children are prepared for international studies and global citizenship.
The Principles Guiding Our Learning Design
Holistic learning and development.
Sustainable practices.
Learning everywhere and all the time
Play as a way to learn
Learning through exploration.
Transversal skills and learning areas.
At ELA, we strongly believe that educators matter. A curriculum is only as good as the educators implementing it, so all educators should be well-trained in research-based methods and engage in ongoing training and development to deliver quality education. Through our training, educators become independent, creative professionals who are confident in their skills and capable of building cutting-edge learning experiences.

Our educators are currently undergoing Finnish ECE certifications, Montessori certifications, and Playful Learning training. But, if you are passionate about cutting-edge pedagogy, you love children, and you dream about an international career in education, it is not too late to apply and be part of our brilliant team.
All of our staff share a specific characteristic: Finnish ECE training.
La ELA, suntem ferm convinşi că educatorii contează. Un curriculum este la fel de bun ca și educatorii care îl implementează, astfel încât toți specialiştii ar trebui să fie bine pregătiți şi să cunoască metode bazate pe cercetare, să se angajeze în formarea și dezvoltare continuă pentru a oferi o educație de calitate. Prin formarea oferită de noi, educatorii devin profesioniști independenți, creativi, care au încredere în abilitățile lor și sunt capabili să construiască experiențe de învățare de ultimă oră.
Educatorii noștri sunt implicați deja în certificări pentru educație finlandeza, certificări Montessori și formare Playful Learning. Dar, dacă ești pasionat de pedagogia de ultimă oră, iubești copiii și visezi la o carieră internațional în educație, nu este prea târziu să aplici și să faci parte din echipa noastră genială.